GRANT ANTICEVICH // after Berkeley in California I went to play professional basketball in Melbourne

    Grant Anticevich is my nephew from Sydney, till this year he attended University of California and is now moving to Melbourne. We in family are all very proud of him, he is great guy and also excellent basketball player. He was one of the best players in Cal, and now has degree in psychology. These days he started a new chapter in his life – he started to play professional basketball. This is his story. (article is eng and cro)

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    After high school in Sidney I went on University of California, Berkeley

    I had a very successful high school basketball team, in which we won state championships in both of my last two years in high school.

    After high school I attended the University of California, Berkeley (Cal) as a student athlete. At the college level, Cal plays one of the highest athletic conferences and basketball here was a totally different level. At college we had a lot of great wins, but our most satisfying wins always came against our rival team, Stanford. One of my most memorable games was on Seniors night when we beat Stanford in my final home game of my college career.



    Since I was 5 years old, basketball has been integral part of who I am

    Basketball is what I love and my greatest passion, it is a beautiful game, and I am always very grateful that I found the thing in life that I enjoy most. Luckily I am able to make a career out of it and can say that I truly do what I love everyday, and for that I am very grateful. I first picked up a ball when I was 5, and ever since then it has been the most important part of life and has been integral in who I am.

    It has taken me all over the world and allowed me to attend University at one of the best academic institutions in the world. I have met all of my closest friends through basketball, and have had some amazing coaches who have taught me a lot on the court, but have also been mentors to me in my life off of the court.



    Studying at Berkeley is something really special

    It was both a challenging and a rewarding process. It is important to know how to manage your time and be efficient. Normally I would go early in the morning to train for an hour, I would usually start at 6am. Then I would have classes for about 2 hours afterwards. I would normally have lunch, then we would have team training from 12-5, during which time we would do our on court training and then weights training. In the evening I sometimes had class, other times I would come back to the court to do some extra training. Then at night I would catch up on some school work.

    It is important since we have such a busy schedule to make the most of your time and be organized to ensure that you get enough sleep and rest to maintain such a demanding schedule. Being a student at Berkeley I was able to take some incredible classes taught by professors who are at the tops of their fields. Walking on campus and seeing parking spaces that are dedicated to Nobel laureates was always an incredible feeling. I feel so privileged to be a UC Berkeley Alumni.

    Besides basketball I love to play pool and golf

    Besides basketball I love to play pool and golf. I love photography, which my grandfather Konstantin introduced me to, and I also enjoy drawing. I like to draw landscapes, but often I draw anything that I see that I am interested in, could be anything random like an object in a shop or restaurant, a person I see, or sometimes photos that I’ve taken. I also enjoy reading in my spare time.

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    I am currently in my first season playing professional basketball

    I am playing for the South East Melbourne Phoenix, a team based in Australia. I want to play for as long as I can and get to the highest level I can. I want to play in the NBA one day, as that is the best basketball league in the world.



    I think the most interesting thing about style is variety and finding something that is unique to you

    Whether it is colour, silhouette, pattern or texture, it is important to wear things that you feel good in, but it is also important to always try new things and blend together different styles. I love baby blue, as well as brown, burgundy and honey yellow, some of those rich colors.

    When I dress I try to to experiment and try combining styles, such as those from different time periods, or different levels of formality. For the past few years I have loved corduroy pants, and lately have really enjoyed wearing pants that have textures or patterns, as opposed to shirts that have patterns, which is more traditional.



    As I said experimenting and blending different styles is important. I think that fit/silhouette is also crucial. For me as a tall person with long arms and long legs, I like pants that are a bit more straight cut and shirts that have longer sleeves. Personally I think that a plain piece of clothing that fits a person perfectly looks better than a piece of clothing that is more complex but does not fit as nicely.

    When I was young I used to be very interested in shoes and they used to be the starting point of my outfit. I definitely am still into sneakers and shoes, but as I have gotten older I look at my outfits in a more holistic way.

    Ultimately, however, I think it is important for people to wear things that are unique to them and wear the things that they feel good in, because if you feel good you will look good.  

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    hrvatska verzija:

    Grant Anticevich je moj nećak iz Sydneya, do ove godine je pohađao University of California i sada se seli u Melbourne. Svi u obitelji smo jako ponosni na njega, on je sjajan dečko i odličan košarkaš. Bio je jedan od najboljih igrača u Calu, a nedavno je diplomirao psihologiju. Ovih je dana započeo novo poglavlje u svom životu - počeo je igrati profesionalnu košarku. Ovo je njegova priča.

    Nakon srednje škole u Sydneyu otišao sam na Kalifornijsko sveučilište, Berkeley

    Imao sam vrlo uspješan srednjoškolski košarkaški tim s kojim smo osvojili državna prvenstva u obje zadnje dvije godine u srednjoj školi.

    Nakon srednje škole pohađao sam Kalifornijsko sveučilište, Berkeley (Cal) kao student sportaš. Na razini koledža, Cal igra na jednoj od najviših atletskih konferencija, a košarka je ovdje bila potpuno drugačija razina. Na koledžu smo imali mnogo sjajnih pobjeda, ali najviše smo voljeli pobijediti našeg najvećeg rivala, tim sa Stanforda. Jedna od mojih najupečatljivijih utakmica bila je na seniorskoj večeri kada smo pobijedili Stanford u mojoj posljednjoj domaćoj utakmici moje fakultetske karijere.



    Košarka je integralni dio mene još od kad sam imao 5 godina

    Košarka je ono što volim i moja najveća strast, to je prekrasna igra i uvijek sam jako zahvalan što sam pronašao stvar u životu u kojoj najviše uživam. Srećom, mogu od toga napraviti karijeru i mogu reći da zaista svakodnevno radim ono što volim, i na tome sam jako zahvalan.

    Prvi put sam uzeo loptu u ruke kada sam imao 5 godina i od tada je to najvažniji dio života i sastavni je dio onoga što jesam. Odvela me po cijelom svijetu i omogućila mi da pohađam sveučilište na jednoj od najboljih akademskih institucija na svijetu. Upoznao sam sve svoje najbliže prijatelje kroz košarku i imao sam neke sjajne trenere koji su me puno naučili na terenu, ali su mi također bili mentori u životu izvan terena.



    Studiranje na Berkeleyu je nešto zaista posebno

    Bio je to i izazovan proces koji me nagradio na niz načina. Važno je znati upravljati svojim vremenom i biti učinkovit. Obično sam u 6 ujutro trenirao po sat vremena, a onda imao nastavu otprilike 2 sata. Obično bih ručao, zatim bismo imali timski trening od 12-5, u to vrijeme bismo odradili trening na terenu, a zatim s utezima.

    Navečer sam ponekad imao nastavu, ponekad bih se vratio na teren odraditi dodatni trening. Onda bih se navečer uhvatio školskih obaveza.

    Budući da sam imao tako gust raspored, važno je bilo maksimalno iskoristiti vrijeme i organizirati se kako bih imao dovoljno sna i odmora za održavanje tako zahtjevnog rasporeda. Budući da sam bio student na Berkeleyju, mogao sam pohađati fantastične satove koje su vodili vrhunski profesori. Šetati kampusom i vidjeti parkirna mjesta koja su posvećena nobelovcima je uistinu nevjerojatan osjećaj. Osjećam se tako privilegirano što sam Alumni UC Berkeleya.

    Osim košarke volim igrati biljar i golf

    Osim košarke volim igrati biljar i golf. Volim fotografiju s kojom me upoznao djed Konstantin, a uživam i u crtanju. Volim crtati krajolike, ali često crtam razne zanimljive stvari, to može biti bilo što slučajno poput predmeta u trgovini ili restoranu, osobe koju vidim ili ponekad fotografija koje sam snimio. Također uživam čitati.

    Trenutno sam u svojoj prvoj sezoni igranja profesionalne košarke

    Igram za South East Melbourne Phoenix. Želim igrati što duže mogu i doći do najviše razine te jednog dana igrati u NBA, to je najbolja košarkaška liga na svijetu.



    Mislim da je najzanimljivija stvar kod stila raznolikost i pronalaženje nečega što je jedinstveno

    Bilo da se radi o boji, silueti, uzorku ili teksturi, važno je nositi stvari u kojima se dobro osjećaš dobro, ali također je važno isprobavati nove stvari i spajati različite stilove. Volim baby blue, kao i smeđu, bordo i med žutu, neke od onih bogatih boja. Kada se odijevam, pokušavam eksperimentirati i kombinirati stilove, poput onih iz različitih vremenskih razdoblja ili različitih razina formalnosti.

    Posljednjih nekoliko godina obožavam hlače od samta, a u posljednje vrijeme super su mi hlače s teksturom ili uzorcima, za razliku od košulja s uzorcima, koje su tradicionalnije.

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    Kao što sam rekao, eksperimentiranje i miješanje različitih stilova je važno. Mislim da je kroj/silueta također ključna. Za mene kao visoku osobu s dugim rukama i dugim nogama, volim hlače nešto ravnijeg kroja i košulje s dužim rukavima.

    Osobno smatram da običan komad odjeće koji savršeno pristaje osobi izgleda bolje od komada odjeće koji je kompliciraniji, ali ne stoji tako lijepo.

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    Kad sam bio mlad, jako su me zanimale cipele i one su bile početna točka mog outfita. Definitivno sam još uvijek u tenisicama i cipelama, ali kako sam stariji, na svoju odjeću gledam više holistički.

    U konačnici, međutim, mislim da je važno da ljudi nose stvari koje su jedinstvene za njih i stvari u kojima se dobro osjećaju, jer ako se osjećate dobro, dobro ćete i izgledati.